Orly - Cashmere Cardigan

Small change in plans, folks!

Sorry but I've had an allergic reaction to something in BYS's Prima Ballerina (it supposedly doesn't have any formaldehyde/ formaldehyde resin/formalin in it, but I'm getting a reaction the same as f. resin), so I've had to suspend any swatching until my fingers recover. Bleeding cuticles aren't going to be "in" ever - although I'm sure Debbie Lippmann will have a good go one year at telling us they are! ;)

So here's one from the vaults that I just never got around to posting. It's pretty much a staple in every nail polish nut's helmer, but it bears repeating. Orly's "Cashmere Cardigan"...

These pics were taken about a year ago - hard to believe my nails were ever as long as that now. Time to get out the world's smallest violin again and play a dirge...

Oh, how I love this polish. Such a pleasure to apply - two coats is all you need and it's perfection. Such a pity Orly want almost $20 a bottle for this stuff in Oz. If you're a smart bunny (or savvy gerbil) you'll do what we all do and just buy it on ebay ;)

Oh, look - the sun! I remember that!

Sigh. Long nails - you will be mine again some day.
Oh, yes - you will be mine...

T-minus two and a half weeks till the London trip, btw. Dun-dun-duuunh!

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